Thursday, August 30, 2012

Said goodbye to my friends, went to NYC and been here for 3 days. 

Can't say anything else than: 
miss my friends and family, love New York City 
and looking forward to meet my hostfamily ♥

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Earlier today I got this crazy idea..
I wanted to make some raisin-buns :D 

Soo.. I checked out our cabinet and guess what! I found 5 different kind of flour!:O 

WHAT TO DO!? - I asked my friends.. 
After some discussion, we decided that I should make some jelly-buns :D

Look what came out! nice buns!
in top raisin-buns
in bottom jelly-buns 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Summer is so hard! I forget everything!:O
Almost forgot to tell about my vacation with my lovely friend, her mom and Jimmy!:D
We went to the beach, even though I don't like the beach - afraid of everything!:/

BTW.. like to share some pictures of me in the water!♥

 stood a man next to my friend and it looked like he was thinking "what tha... what are the crazy girls doing?"
our answer "evidene!" 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A nice time in Denmark

Yesterday my best friend and I got our hair coloured!
So now.. Tanned skin and new hair colour - just lovely ♥♥

Got a new bag from my mom and dad, and a new pair of shoes from my little brother.
So sweet! Love my family and I'll miss them, when I'm going to the US ♥♥♥