Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A little update

First of all.. 
Happy Birthday to my dear and loving aunt Moster E!!
(the woman that the arrows are pointing on)
September 26th :D

It's a little bit to late, but the time is different, I was busy and guess what?
Homecoming is October 13, what to do? - I have to find a dress :O
Btw.. my parents send me a package
and I think that my parents are worried about me coming home thin :O
But anyway it feels good with a little package
especially when there's Danish candy, ski pants and some danish school stuff to!!:D
It definitely helps on my homesickness that I got a bit of.

Oh.. and one last thing..
You think they got everything in america?
Well... they don't have knoldselleri, pålægschokolade,
jumpin jumpsuit or rugbrød..
but they do have retarded potatoes!:D - Take a look

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