Friday, September 21, 2012

New class!:D

Hey folks!:D 
Chemistry was way to easy..
So I went to my counselor to see if she could help me to get a new class.
And of course could she help me.
She placed me in the Living On Your Own class (LOYO)
So I went to mig first period there and the teacher was sick,
so I didn't do much that day.
When she came back a couple of days later,
she gave us an assignment where we should answer about 100 questions about ourselves. That was easy..
But when that was done, could we find out what our top 3 values in life was.
Guess what mine was?

Friendship and Companionship

So True!!:D - so then she asked us to make a flyer for each of our top 3 values.
Take a look 

We got a new assignment after that.
We should answer 6 questions and then put a picture for each answer on a piece of paper
that had another piece of paper on it
and that piece on paper should we cut into a shape that fites on us.
I cut a rainbow on a black background.

The small pictures represent:
Family, Friends - the people that mean a lot to me
Cruss - hat I fear the most
Student cap - What I hope (a good education)
Smiley - what I would like to change about myself (be more positive)
The Dark - what makes me uncomfortable
The Horse - one of my hobbies

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