Sunday, April 7, 2013

Birthday, march 19th 2013 ♥

 It all started on monday, march 18th..
I walked into the German class I TA for (Teacher Assistant)
Someone had been hanging banners and balloons up!
I looked around and thought " What the f..."
Then I looked at the board on the back wall.
It said "Happy Birthday Camilla!"
I looked around and just smiled
I had no clue what to say.. I was so happy!
Then I sat back over at my table, and my teacher had brought cupcakes!
and they were having a mini birthday party for me in the class.
They sang, we ate cupcakes and then they went back to school work..
These people on the picture are the people behind it all..
from the left: Sarah Grassl, me, Megan Johnson and then Ms. Wolk!
They spend their lunch on decoration the room!
On march 19th my host mom took me, Karen and Kevin out to breakfast
at this amazing place!
 I got this cinnamonrole and I promise you, It was huge!! take a look!
 Then me and Karen went to Rainy Day Café 
where I got an Italian Soda with Redbull!
And Jake (who brought me cake for valentines day too)
had brought me a cake for my birthday!
 On march 20th, my friends Roxana brought me an big fat ass Mexican cake!
I was in love!! 
 And after a bite I couldn't stop! It tasted like heaven!
Conclusion: Had 3 fantastic days of birthday!
I don't even know how many times people have been singing to me!
Thanks guys, for 3 amazing days! <3
btw.. the black sweatshirt that says Vikings..
Got that from my host family for my birthday!

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