Monday, April 1, 2013

Random Things..

 Went shopping with some friends 
and spend waaaay to much money!!
^^But nice wit some make-up^^

Obviously I needed clothes too!
^^A dress, nice jacket, tights, belt, pants and a tank top!^^

 One day not to long ago my hostdad came home 
with flowers for all of the girls in the house!!
^^ These are the ones I got <3 ^^

 So normally in the United States, they'll give you a late start or a day of
if there's snow.. I came out and there was more than just snow!!
Still had to go to school on time :'(

 Had my mom send me the ingredients to the famous KasperKage.
made it for the Drama kids, they all liked it :)

Just found this picture, we were so cute!
Cousins, brother and me <3
^^Rasmus, Nicolai, me and Rikke^^

Got a package from my grandma and Anton!
The dogs ate the first one, but I got the other one!

 To all of you guys that send candy..
I really appreciate it! but I got a lot now.
especially guld karameller :)

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