Saturday, January 26, 2013

International Week!

The Lake Stevens High School were having an international week. 
They made this poster with all of the flags and names on the Exchange Students.
It was a really nice thought! And thursday was Denmarkian-day as we call it.
So I told people to wear red&white, and they told it to their friends.
Sooo... A lot of people were wearing red and/or white :)
Land:                                 Navn:
Jordan                               Ahmad
Belgien                             Celine
Kina                                  Chugi (staves?)
Danmark                           Mig :D
Rusland                             Linar
Spanien                             Ernesto, Ines
Tjekkiet                            Matej
Vietnam                            Pham
Tyskland                           Melos, Vanessa                             

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