Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lake Stevens History Museum

I had to go visit a museum for my US History class.
I chose to go to the Lake Stevens History Museum,
because I live in Lake Stevens.
I thought it would be the most boring thing I have ever done before, 
but I actually liked it a lot! Here's some pictures ;)

^^Here's some sports gear they had back in the days.^^

^^Here's some stuff from a store they had in Lake Stevens - Mitchell's Pharmacy.^^
The store was known as the meeting place for policy discussions etc.
Also a lot of high schoolers came here to hang out.
Every time a team from the high school would win a game, 
they would go to Mitchell's Pharmacy and get a milkshake on the house.
- Pretty cool if you ask me :)

^^this is the lake, Lake Stevens.^^
The town I live in is also called Lake Stevens, and it surround the lake.

^^Here is an old gramophone player.^^

^^They got an old ticket window from the old railroad.^^

^^A picture of the town back in the days.^^
It's just funny how you can see the cars and buildings are so old fashioned.

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