Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Calamity Jane! (Spring Musical)

Hey people! So as all of you might know already..
I auditioned for the spring musical Calamity Jane!
I just played a Pioneer Woman. But it sure was a lot of fun.
I have got a lot of new friends, especially Katie McCartney! 
(The girl I stayed with during spring break) 
she's definitely one of my best friends!
Okay.. in the beginning drama was a little lame.. 
but then it got so much better and suddently people 
became my family and it was serious and really hard 
to say goodbye after the last performance..
I love all the Drama kids and Mrs. Gerrard! 
Just saying. Thanks for a great time everyone.

NOW.... some pictures!:)

 ^^The photographer was so great!
- she made these signs for every person in the play!^^

 Just wanted to share my headshot for the play, she did a great job!

^^cab night at Nathan Hale High School, they loved us!^^

 ^^Having fun during practice^^

 Lauren and Linar! (Lauren played Calamity Jane and Linar is the Russian exchange student)


Okay.. okay.. Most of the drama kids already know, 
but I'm in love with this picture, HAHA!
It was during spring break when a couple of students, parents and Mrs. Gerrard met at the high school and painted, and worked on the set. Anne Julson came and took pictures, I saw this (with many others) hanging in the hall on the way into the pack during performances!

If you want to see more pictures from the play
(because there's rediculously many)
you can go on facebook.com and search for
Anne Julson photography, or you can use this link:
Then under pictures (albums) you will find a lot of albums that says either something with Calamity Jane or LSHS (Lake Stevens High School) 

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