Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Calamity Jane! (Spring Musical)

Hey people! So as all of you might know already..
I auditioned for the spring musical Calamity Jane!
I just played a Pioneer Woman. But it sure was a lot of fun.
I have got a lot of new friends, especially Katie McCartney! 
(The girl I stayed with during spring break) 
she's definitely one of my best friends!
Okay.. in the beginning drama was a little lame.. 
but then it got so much better and suddently people 
became my family and it was serious and really hard 
to say goodbye after the last performance..
I love all the Drama kids and Mrs. Gerrard! 
Just saying. Thanks for a great time everyone.

NOW.... some pictures!:)

 ^^The photographer was so great!
- she made these signs for every person in the play!^^

 Just wanted to share my headshot for the play, she did a great job!

^^cab night at Nathan Hale High School, they loved us!^^

 ^^Having fun during practice^^

 Lauren and Linar! (Lauren played Calamity Jane and Linar is the Russian exchange student)


Okay.. okay.. Most of the drama kids already know, 
but I'm in love with this picture, HAHA!
It was during spring break when a couple of students, parents and Mrs. Gerrard met at the high school and painted, and worked on the set. Anne Julson came and took pictures, I saw this (with many others) hanging in the hall on the way into the pack during performances!

If you want to see more pictures from the play
(because there's rediculously many)
you can go on facebook.com and search for
Anne Julson photography, or you can use this link:
Then under pictures (albums) you will find a lot of albums that says either something with Calamity Jane or LSHS (Lake Stevens High School) 

Grandma on a visit!

So you all probably know that my grandma came to visit me over here,
I enjoyed having her so much! We had so much fun, with finding dress for prom, shopping,
going to see the Tulips but came one day late.. She watched me the to last performance nights 
during the play, we went to Seattle and of course.. ROUNDTABLE PIZZA!:)

My grandma(Mormor/mom's mom)

 The pizza's we got

And then on friday before my grandma went to California, Rhonda and Karen took 
my grandma and I to see a lot of things.

 First we went on a ferry ride at Mukilteo beach
- actually the very first exciting thing for my grandma and I was the car wash!
one of those where you drive forward and then the car will move by itself! pure magic ;)

Then we went up in the Space Needle at Seattle, the weather was so nice!

 After coming down from the Space Needle we saw this totem!  

 Of course we couldn't help it, so we needed a picture ;)

 Here we are on our way in the car, with Rhonda driving ;)

My grandma and I had such a nice day with Karen and Rhonda,
and we both are super thankful that the Call family would let my grandma come on a visit!

I really enjoyed having my grandma here, 
it definitely gave me the kick I needed to finish this year.
It helped me a lot to see that people and things are still the same at home, 
so no worries for the next month, just truly enjoyment! ;)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Prom 2013 ♥

May 18th, 2013
went to prom with some amazing people!
Went to dinner, by the waterfront in Everett and then prom,
possibly one of the best nights ever!<3
My friends Jordan and I, I'm gonna miss her so much!

Me, Kalia and Mariena! Nicest Asians ever ;) love ya girls <3

In the car with Jordan and her date.

All of the girls ;)

Hopefully more to come..

Spring break with Katie!

Hey guys! Okay.. 
I know Spring Break is a long time ago now,
but I haven't had time at all to go on my blog :(
So therefore there's also some days I don't remember exactly what we did..
But here it is :)

March 29th, 2013
First day staying with Katie, we went to school and the home chillin'

March 30th, 2013
Katie and I went to the mall and then to the high school 
- to help painting the set for the musical

 March 31th, 2013
Katie and her mom took me to see Mukilteo Beach!
Such a great day with fabulous people!

Katie and her mom Rosemary!

One of the many ferry's goes right by the beach! 
Went on that ferry ride with Mormor, my host mom and host sister in the end of April

April 1st, 2013
Katie and I were just chillin' all day,
then in the afternoon Katie went to job interview and I stayed home ;)
After Katie's job interview, we went to dinner with her parents to celebrate their anniversary!

April 2nd, 2013
 Katie and her parents took me to Seattle!
That was my first real time in Seattle, I was sooo excited!
First we went to the Space Needle

Then this little park behind the Space Needle!

Then we went to Alki Beach! sooo pretty.

And we saw this cute beach house! - almost all of the houses looks like this

Then we went to 5th ave, shopping, Hard Rock Cafe and the Pike Place(Public Market Center)!

And then last but almost coolest - The first original Starbucks!

April 3rd, 2013
Katie and I hung out with the German exchange student from Snohomish!(Sebastian) 
We watched Pitch Perfect - a movie you HAVE to watch when you are in USA

  We also started on Brüno, Sebastian wanted to watch that
- turned it off after 10 minutes, not recommended!

April 4th, 2013
I went to get a haircut and made a late April fools prank!
Wrote on Facebook that I was going to cut my hair cheek short, die it black and get a sidecut..
Even my mom believed it - HAHA! Got you..
The picture under this text is how my hair actually looked after my haircut ;)
After my hair appointment we went to the high school to work on the set for the musical!
And after we were done at the high school, Katie and I went to one of Katie's friends house.
because Katie's parents weren't home, we had to stay at Mylena's house.

When we came to Mylena's house we agreed on going to the movies, so we went and watched

Then we went to Block Buster and got a couple of movies 
and watched Keep The Lights On same night
( with Thure Lindhardt and Paprika Steen - danish actors)

April 5th, 2013
We were till at Mylena's house, we watched movies, visited one of Mylena's friends AND...
Her yard got forked (prank) by her boyfriend because we didn't come over for bonfire..

movies we watched: