Saturday, January 26, 2013

Piano in Idaho!

We were in Idaho for christmas break to visit Kristen and Blake.

^^Kevin and Laura plays piano^^

^^Kevin can play without looking :O ^^

Video's from the High School!

^^Here's a video of my Theater class. This is how we learn ;)^^

^^I arrived to school at 07:20am and the band was out! 18 jan 2013^^ 

^^This is a video from our winter/christmas assembly!^^
Feel the energy :)

Sweet friends!

^^Jessie(Jessica) Schend and I :) ^^

^^Kelsey Kennedy and I :D ^^

^^Karen(my host sister) and I <3 ^^

International Week!

The Lake Stevens High School were having an international week. 
They made this poster with all of the flags and names on the Exchange Students.
It was a really nice thought! And thursday was Denmarkian-day as we call it.
So I told people to wear red&white, and they told it to their friends.
Sooo... A lot of people were wearing red and/or white :)
Land:                                 Navn:
Jordan                               Ahmad
Belgien                             Celine
Kina                                  Chugi (staves?)
Danmark                           Mig :D
Rusland                             Linar
Spanien                             Ernesto, Ines
Tjekkiet                            Matej
Vietnam                            Pham
Tyskland                           Melos, Vanessa                             

Lake Stevens History Museum

I had to go visit a museum for my US History class.
I chose to go to the Lake Stevens History Museum,
because I live in Lake Stevens.
I thought it would be the most boring thing I have ever done before, 
but I actually liked it a lot! Here's some pictures ;)

^^Here's some sports gear they had back in the days.^^

^^Here's some stuff from a store they had in Lake Stevens - Mitchell's Pharmacy.^^
The store was known as the meeting place for policy discussions etc.
Also a lot of high schoolers came here to hang out.
Every time a team from the high school would win a game, 
they would go to Mitchell's Pharmacy and get a milkshake on the house.
- Pretty cool if you ask me :)

^^this is the lake, Lake Stevens.^^
The town I live in is also called Lake Stevens, and it surround the lake.

^^Here is an old gramophone player.^^

^^They got an old ticket window from the old railroad.^^

^^A picture of the town back in the days.^^
It's just funny how you can see the cars and buildings are so old fashioned.

It's true what they say!

It's true what they say! 
everything in the United States is bigger!
Just take a look.. :O

My host mom came home with this big box. 
I asked her what was in it..
- Ice cream!
It's crazy.. my host sister, who is 9, can't carry the ice cream 
- because it's to big and heavy!? What the....

Karen and I went home to Spencer for a movie night 
with a bunch of other kids.
It's popcorn in the bag!? - Americans know how it's done :)

Even in theater do we have this huge fellow!
He's a snail, I don't remember his name, but anyway..
I think he had a role in the "Alice in Wonderland"

Even their batteries are bigger!!
Holy smokes..

Went to breakfast for my birthday, 
this is a cinnamon roll!

Nice saturday

Hi everyone! 
Saturday January 12th 2013 was such a nice day! 
Had so much fun. - I woke up and made breakfast for Karen and I.
Scrambled eggs, bacon and toast :) - healthy..

After we had been eating breakfast, Karen went to our dining room, 
and made this wonderful room for the little girls. 
I made some fruit, and stuff and we were having a kind of girlparty!
The girls and I enjoyed it a lot.


 After having a really fun time I spoke to this beautiful girl on Skype.

I hope you know how much I appreciate the time you take to talk with me!
Even though you got family over, or it's a weird time in Denmark <3
Love you girl!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Lights!

The Americans are going crazy when christmas is around.
They use a whole fricking lot of christmas lights.
But it's only some of the Americans. :D

 ^^The house I live in^^

^^Two random houses we passed by^^

Christmas Eve♥♥

Christmas Eve did we have Mark's (my host dad) family over,
because it's not only Jesus's birthday, but also Marks.
It was a really nice evening, with a lot of people.

^^All of the stockings for our family. The white one is for Jesus^^

^^Almost all of my Christmas presents from both Denmark and US♥^^
The mole went crazy in the front yard. And Rhonda did to!
She put a letter for each hole, so it said:

Moustache Day!

Brenda and Jamie needed a moustache for moustache day at school.
They didn't want to have make-up as a moustache,
and Kevin got a haircut, so Rhonda made a Moustache out of his hair.
and then Brian and Kevin went crazy!

Package from my Aunt ♥

Monday dec. 10. 2012

I got a package from my aunt (Moster E) with Danish Candy and 2 Danish movies in it!
- and a really cool card ;) Thank you! I really appreciate it.

Christmas Treats!

Monday December 10. 2012
Had the Whitneys over for family-night, so we could make
Christmas Treats for older people.
We were having a lot of fun with the baking and then out
and sing a christmas song and give a plate with Christmas Treats.
The weekend before did we decorate Gingerbreads with the Allens! Really fun :D

 ^^ Gingerbread ^^