Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A little update

First of all.. 
Happy Birthday to my dear and loving aunt Moster E!!
(the woman that the arrows are pointing on)
September 26th :D

It's a little bit to late, but the time is different, I was busy and guess what?
Homecoming is October 13, what to do? - I have to find a dress :O
Btw.. my parents send me a package
and I think that my parents are worried about me coming home thin :O
But anyway it feels good with a little package
especially when there's Danish candy, ski pants and some danish school stuff to!!:D
It definitely helps on my homesickness that I got a bit of.

Oh.. and one last thing..
You think they got everything in america?
Well... they don't have knoldselleri, pålægschokolade,
jumpin jumpsuit or rugbrød..
but they do have retarded potatoes!:D - Take a look

Friday, September 21, 2012


Had a fun time at the football game with Karen and Collin!:D
although we lost the game with 2 points
and probably could have won the game with a couple of sekunds.. 
Superfanning is one of the funniest things I've ever tried!
Well.. I took two pictures that I want to share with you guys!:D

 Just from when we got home

New class!:D

Hey folks!:D 
Chemistry was way to easy..
So I went to my counselor to see if she could help me to get a new class.
And of course could she help me.
She placed me in the Living On Your Own class (LOYO)
So I went to mig first period there and the teacher was sick,
so I didn't do much that day.
When she came back a couple of days later,
she gave us an assignment where we should answer about 100 questions about ourselves. That was easy..
But when that was done, could we find out what our top 3 values in life was.
Guess what mine was?

Friendship and Companionship

So True!!:D - so then she asked us to make a flyer for each of our top 3 values.
Take a look 

We got a new assignment after that.
We should answer 6 questions and then put a picture for each answer on a piece of paper
that had another piece of paper on it
and that piece on paper should we cut into a shape that fites on us.
I cut a rainbow on a black background.

The small pictures represent:
Family, Friends - the people that mean a lot to me
Cruss - hat I fear the most
Student cap - What I hope (a good education)
Smiley - what I would like to change about myself (be more positive)
The Dark - what makes me uncomfortable
The Horse - one of my hobbies

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dance last night somewhere in Washington (state) :D 
Not so many people, old music and toilet paper as decorations :O 
But I had fun with Karen, Kevin, Braden, Collin, Mark and Marissa!:D 
And the best thing! - when we got home, 
Karen and I sat in the Hottop :D

Friday, September 7, 2012

My First Football Game

Just watched my first live footballgame!:D It was so fun. 
The school's passion is to dress up like SuperFans - so we did that!:D 
It was so cool, like in the movies with cheerleaders, SuperFans, 
food and all that kind of stuff :D

I took some pictures that I'd like to share with you guys! - have a look

The Cheerleaders were a bit inferior. They didn't seem to have enough energy and we couldn't hear their cheer..

Karen and I were not dressed up as much as some of the other students.

I actually took this picture just before a touchdown - that we made, of course.

That was it. But guess what!? 
- Lake Stevens High School/We won 45 - 21 !!!:D
Go Lake Stevens!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

School explanation :O

Hi everyone! Just had my first schoolday.
The classes are borring as always, but people are so nice!:D 
Everyone is like "Oh.. you're an exchange student, where are you from?" and that's how most of my conversations starts.
I haven't got any weird questions yet, but I think that they might come.
do you want to know how my schedule looks like? well.. here it is:
         Semester 1                                                          Semester 2
         1. periode            American Lit                            1. periode            Algebra
         2. periode            US History                               2. periode           US History
         3. periode            Chemistry                                 3. periode           Chemistry 
         4. periode            Theather                                   4. periode           Adv Theather
         5. periode            Algebra                                    5. periode           Adv Grammar
         6. periode            German                                    6. periode           German
         7. periode            Viking Periode                          7. periode           Viking Periode

So.. I got American Lit with Karen and after that, I'm on my own.
I like almost all my teachers. but I think I might switch my Chemistry class to something different, I like Chemistry, but the teacher has already borred me to death. AND.. german is to easy :( - I mean, waaaaay to easy.
But.. I like High School and I love the people over there :D
Don't think that there's more right now, that I'd like to share with you guys.

OH! wait.. It's my little brother's birthday today! or.. here it still is. In Denmark is it over. but anyway
♥HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICO! Hope that you had a fun day with mom, dad and Alexander♥

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Fair

Went to the fair today with my hostfamily! 
It was very fun and I enjoyed spending time with my hostfamily :D 
to those of you that don't know what a fair is: 
Fair er en form for mini tivoli. Der er en masse "børnekaruseller", boder og dyr :D
Tomorrow is it enrollment and shopping day 
-Which I'm looking forward to ♥
Well.. can't say anything else than I miss and love you guys at home!♥ 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

NYC camp 5

Sweet people! 

It has been the best 5 days in New York I ever could imagine